
毛慶禎 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系副教授

  1. 三個著錄層次
    1. 第一著錄層次(簡略著錄層次)
    2. 第二著錄層次(標準著錄層次)
    3. 第三著錄層次(詳細著錄層次)
  2. 圖書
  3. 地圖資料
  4. 善本圖書
  5. 樂譜
  6. 錄音資料
  7. 電影片及錄影資料
  8. 靜畫資料
  9. 電子資源
  10. 立體資料
  11. 微縮資料
  12. 連續性出版品
  13. 拓片

1. 三個著錄層次

雖然克特 (Charles Ammi Cutter) 早在二十世紀初葉就已經隱約的提出目錄應有層次的說法, 但是將它概念化的功臣還是後來的奧斯朋 (Andrew Osborn), 真正的將這個概念凝聚為編目規則內的一個方案, 還是有待 1978 年的英美編目規則第二版。

著錄層次和編目品質無關, 也和人員素質無關, 若說第三著錄層次的目錄優於第一著錄層次的目錄, 更是無稽之談。

圖書館當局決定著錄層次時, 多半著眼於下列諸因素:

  1. 目錄的功能
  2. 該類作品在館藏中的重要性;
  3. 該作品本身之價值;
  4. 館藏大小;
  5. 人力充沛與否;
  6. 讀者的需求。

讀者需要簡單明瞭的目錄, 圖書館的編目人員就不該以複雜的第三著錄層次 (詳細著錄) 來混淆視聽; 編目人員祗有小貓三兩隻, 待編資料滿地都是, 迅速的將資料處理完竣, 才是當務之急, 以第一著錄層次 (簡略著錄) 處理, 或許較為恰當。

將明顯無甚價值的作品, 以第三著錄層次 (詳細著錄) 處理, 實在不是明智之舉。編目規則所述的內容, 企圖提供最完整的資訊, 至於指定的三個著錄層次所包含的各細目, 祗是一個最低要求, 除了滿足該等著錄層次的要求之外, 編目員還可以視情況需要, 對某些特定的資料, 給予額外的資訊 (1.0D)。

英美編目規則第二版規定的三個著錄層次是這樣的, 第一著錄層次至少應包括的細目列在1.0D1。

Title proper / first statement of responsibility, if different from main entry heading in form or number or if there is no main entry heading. ─ Edition statement. ─ Material (or type of publication) specific details. ─ First publisher, etc., date of publication, etc. ─ Extent of item. ─ Note(s). ─ Standard number

參見 1.1B, 1.1F, 1.2B, 1.3, 1.4D, 1.4F, 1.5B, 1.7, 1.8B


Title proper [general material designation] = parallel title : other title information / first statement of responsibility ; each subsequent statement of responsibility. ─ Edition statement / first statement of responsibility relating to the edition. ─ Material (or type of publication) specific details. ─ First place of publicaton, etc. : first publisher, etc., date of publication, etc. ─ Extent of item : other physical details ; dimensions. ─ (Title proper of series / statement of responsibility relating to series, ISSN of series ; numbering within the series. Title of subseries, ISSN of subseries ; numbering within subseries). ─ Note(s). ─ Standard number

第三著錄層次的內涵則應採用規則內所有合適的細目, 不得遺漏任何一個部份1.0D3。

至於中國編目規則的著錄層次, 依照第一章的規定, 第一著錄層次 (簡略著錄) 其著錄項目包括的細目列在。

正題名 / 第一著者敘述. -- 版本敘述. -- 資料特殊細節. -- 出版者, 出版年
數量 (面、葉、冊數或其他單位)

第二著錄層次 (標準著錄) 其著錄項目包括的細目列在1.0.4.1。

正題名 [資料類型標示] : 副題名 = 並列題名 / 第一著者敘述 ; 其他次要著者敘述. -- 版本敘述 / 關係版本之第一著者敘述.  -- 資料特殊細節. -- 出版地 : 出版者, 出版年
數量 (面、葉、冊數或其他單位) : 插圖或其他稽核細節 ; 高廣尺寸. -- (集叢正題名 / 集叢著者敘述, 集叢標準號碼 ; 集叢號. 附屬集叢名, 附屬集叢標準號碼 ; 附屬集叢號)

第三著錄層次 (詳細著錄), 依規則所列各細目全部著錄1.0.4.3。

此處的三個層次是最低的要求; (1.0D)


1.1. 第一著錄層次 (1.0D1)

Health services planning / from the Department of Community Medicine, St. Thomas' Hospital, London. -- King Edward's Hospital Fund for London, 1976. -- 55 p. -- ISBN 0-900889-61-6

Ascanius, or, The young adventurer. --  Garland, 1974. -- 64 p. -- ISBN 0-8240-1116-3

1.2. 第二著錄層次 (1.0D2)

Health services planning [text] : a monograph / from the Department of Community Medicine, St. Thomas' Hospital, London ; edited by Karen Dunnell ; introd. by Walter W. Holland. -- King Edward's Hospital Fund for London : Distributed for the King's Fund by Pitman Medical Pub. Co., 1976. -- 55 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. -- References: p. 49-50. -- Includes index. -- ISBN 0-900889-61-6

Ascanius, or, The young adventurer [text] / John Burton. -- New York : Garland, 1974. -- 64 p. ; 19 cm. -- (The flowering of the novel). -- Attributed to John Burton. Cf. S. Haklett. Dict. of annonymous and pseudonymous English literature. -- Originally published: London : Printed by G. Smith, 1746. -- ISBN 0-8240-1116-3

1.3. 第三著錄層次 (1.0D3)

Ascanius, or, The young adventurer [text] / John Burton. -- New York : Garland, 1974. -- 64 p. ; 19 cm. -- (The flowering of the novel). -- Attributed to John Burton. Cf. S. Haklett. Dict. of annonymous and pseudonymous English literature. -- Originally published: London : Printed by G. Smith, 1746. -- " ... This facsimile has been make from a copy in the Beinecke Library, Yale Universite (col. pam. v.1036).". -- ISBN 0-8240-1116-3

Health services planning [text] : a monograph / from the Department of Community Medicine, St. Thomas' Hospital, London ; edited by Karen Dunnell ; introd. by Walter W. Holland. -- King Edward's Hospital Fund for London : Distributed for the King's Fund by Pitman Medical Pub. Co., 1976. -- 55 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. -- The first paper planning for health services, is a modification of the original german version which appeared in Handbuch der Sozialmedizin, vol. III, 1975. -- References: p. 49-50. -- Includes index. -- ISBN 0-900889-61-6

選擇著錄層次是圖書館的大事, 尚未加入圖書館網或連繫較少的圖書館, 在決定著錄層次時, 有較大的自主權。圖書館的目標、讀者型態、服務方式、館藏特性等, 都是內在的考慮因素。

一般說來, 國立圖書館及省市立公共圖書館、大學圖書館、學術性圖書館、專門圖書館等較受美國圖書館習性的影響, 抄錄美國方面各種書目資料庫內的款目, 迫不得已, 不做原始編目, 對這些圖書館而言, 似乎不必選擇著錄層次, 美國方面的書目資料庫已經為它們選好了。

至於縣市文化中心圖書館、鄉鎮圖書館, 大體受國立中央圖書館的照顧, 或是抄錄書後的出版品預行編目 (CIP), 或是從中華民國出版圖書目錄中擷取所需的款目, 好像也沒有著錄層次的顧慮。

實際上, 選取著錄層次不當, 受害的不僅是讀者, 館員本身也可能在這方面虛擲時光, 或者是誤用精力。

2. 圖書

第二章 圖書  Chapter 2 Books, Phamphlets, and Printed sheets

  1. 書名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    正書名 資料類型標示 並 列書名 副書名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述    
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

    Statement relating to a named revision of an edition Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition

  3. 出版項, Publication, distribution, etc. area

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年、經銷年
    Place of publication, distribution, etc. Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc.
    Date of publication, distribution, etc. Place of printing, name of printer, date of printing

  4. 稽核項, Physical description area

    面(葉)數、冊數或其他單位 插圖及其他稽核細節 高廣 附件
    Number of volumes and/or pagination Illustrative matter Dimensions Accompanying material

  5. 集叢項, Series area

    Series statements
    集叢並列題名 集叢副題名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢
    Title proper of series
    Parallel titles of series
    Other title information of series
    Statements of responsibility relating to series
    ISSN of series
    Numbering within series

  6. 附註項, Note area

  7. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    標準號碼 獲得方式 裝訂及其他區別字樣
    International Standard Book Number(ISBN) Terms of availability Qualification

3. 地圖資料

第五章 地圖資料  Chapter 3 Cartographic Materials

  1. 題名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    正題名 資料類型標示 並 列題名 副題名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述    
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

    Statement relating to a named revision of an edition Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition

  3. 製圖細節項 Mathematical and other material specific details area


    Statement of scale
    Statement of projection
    Statement of coordinates and equinox
    Tpye and extent of resource
    Digital graphic representation
    Numbering related to serials
  4. 出版項, Publication, distribution, etc. area

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年、經銷年 印製地、印製者、印製年
    Place of publication, distribution, etc. Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc.
    Date of publication, distribution, etc. Place of printing, etc., name of printer, etc., date of printing, etc.

  5. 稽核項, Physical description area

    幅數、冊數或其他單位(包括資料特殊類型標示) 其他稽核細節 高廣深 附件
    Extent of item(including specific material designation)
    Other physical details Dimensions Accompanying material

  6. 集叢項, Series area

    Series statements
    集叢並列題名 集叢副題名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢
    Title proper of series
    Parallel titles of series
    Other title information of series
    Statements of responsibility relating to series
    ISSN of series
    Numbering within series

  7. 附註項, Note area

  8. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    標準號碼 識別題名
    獲得方式 裝訂及其他區別字樣
    Standard number Key-title
    Terms of availability Qualification

4. 善本圖書

第四章 善本圖書  Chapter 4 Manuscripts (Including Manuscript Collections)

  1. 書名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    書名 資料類型標示
    副書名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

  3. 出版項, Date area

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年、經銷年 印製地、印製者、印製年

    Date of manuscript

  4. 稽核項, Physical description area

    面(葉)數、冊數或其他單位 插圖及其他稽核細節 高廣 附件
    Extent of item
    Other physical details

  5. 集叢項

    集叢並列書名 集叢副書名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢

  6. 附註項, Note area

  7. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    標準號碼 獲得方式 裝訂及其他區別字樣
    International Standard Book Number(ISBN) Terms of availability Qualification

5. 樂譜

第六章 樂譜  Chapter 5 Music

  1. 題名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    正題名 資料類型標示 並 列題名 副題名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述    
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

    Statement relating to a named revision of an edition Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition

  3. 樂譜型式敘述項, Musical presenataion statement area

    Musical presenataion statement
  4. 出版項, Publication, distribution, etc. area

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年、經銷年
    Place of publication, distribution, etc. Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc.
    Date of publication, distribution, etc. Place of printing, name of printer, date of printing

  5. 稽核項, Physical description area

    套數或其他單位(包括資料特殊類型標示) 插圖 高廣 附件
    Extent of item(including specific material designation)
    Illustrative matter
    Dimensions Accompanying material

  6. 集叢項, Series area

    Series statements
    集叢並列題名 集叢副題名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢
    Title proper of series
    Parallel titles of series
    Other title information of series
    Statements of responsibility relating to series
    ISSN of series
    Numbering within series

  7. 附註項, Note area

  8. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    國際標準叢刊號碼 識別題名
    獲得方式 裝訂及其他區別字樣
    Standard number Key-title
    Terms of availability Qualification

6. 錄音資料

第七章 錄音資料 Chapter 6 Sound Recordings

  1. 題名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    正題名 資料類型標示 並 列題名 副題名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述    
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

    Statement relating to a named revision of an edition Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition

  3. 出版項, Publication, distribution, etc. area

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年、經銷年 印製地、印製者、印製年
    Place of publication, distribution, etc. Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc.
    Date of publication, distribution, etc. Place of manufacture, etc., name of manufacturer, etc., date of manufacture

  4. 稽核項, Physical description area

    捲數、張數或其他單位(包括資料特殊類型標示) 其他稽核細節 高廣深 附件
    Extent of item(including specific material designation)
    Other physical details Dimensions Accompanying material

    其他稽核細 節
    Other physical details

    音軌 聲道

    Type of recording
    Playing speed
    Groove characteristic
    Track configuration
    Number of tracks
    Number of sound channels
    recording and reproduction characteristics

  5. 集叢項, Series area

    Series statements
    集叢並列題名 集叢副題名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢
    Title proper of series
    Parallel titles of series
    Other title information of series
    Statements of responsibility relating to series
    ISSN of series
    Numbering within series
  6. 附註項, Note area

  7. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    標準號碼 識別題名
    獲得方式 裝訂及其他區別字樣
    Standard number Key-title
    Terms of availability Qualification

7. 電影片及錄影資料

第八章 電影片及錄影資料  Chapter 7 Motion Pictures and Videorecordings

  1. 書名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    正書名 資料類型標示 並 列書名 副書名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述    
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

    Statement relating to a named revision of an edition Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition

  3. 出版項, Publication, distribution, etc. area

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年、經銷年 印製地、印製者、印製年
    Place of publication, distribution, etc. Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc.
    Date of publication, distribution, etc. Place of manufacture, name of manufacturer, date of manufacture

  4. 稽核項, Physical description area

    捲數、張數或其他單位(包括資料特殊類型標示) 其他稽核細節 高廣深 附件
    Extent of item(including specific material designation)
    Other physical details Dimensions Accompanying material

    其他稽核細 節
    Other physical details
    Aspect ratio and special projection characteristics
    Sound characteristics
    Projection speed

  5. 集叢項, Series area

    Series statements
    集叢並列書名 集叢副書名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢
    Title proper of series
    Parallel titles of series
    Other title information of series
    Statements of responsibility relating to series
    ISSN of series
    Numbering within series

  6. 附註項, Note area

  7. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    標準號碼 獲得方式 區別字樣
    International Standard Book Number(ISBN) Terms of availability Qualification

8. 靜畫資料

第九章 靜畫資料  Chapter 8 Graphic Materials

  1. 書名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    正書名 資料類型標示 並 列書名 副書名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述    
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

    Statement relating to a named revision of an edition Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition

  3. 出版項, Publication, distribution, etc. area

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年、經銷年 印製地、印製者、印製年
    Place of publication, distribution, etc. Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc.
    Date of publication, distribution, etc. Place of manufacture, name of manufacturer, date of manufacture

  4. 稽核項, Physical description area

    張數、捲數、份數、幅數或其他單位(包括資料特殊類型標示) 其他稽核細節 高廣 附件
    Extent of item(including specific material designation)
    Other physical details Dimensions Accompanying material

  5. 集叢項, Series area

    Series statements
    集叢並列書名 集叢副書名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢
    Title proper of series
    Parallel titles of series
    Other title information of series
    Statements of responsibility relating to series
    ISSN of series
    Numbering within series

  6. 附註項, Note area

  7. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    標準號碼 識別題名
    獲得方式 裝訂及其他區別字樣
    Standard number Key-title
    Terms of availability Qualification


第十三章 電子資源  Chapter 9 Electronic Resources

  1. 題名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    正題名 資料類型標示 並 列題名 副題名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述 關係版本修訂之敘述
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

    Statement relating to a named revision of an edition Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition

  3. 資源特性 Numbering area

    資源類型標 示
    Type and extent of resource
    Type of resource
    Extent of resource
    Multipart files
  4. 出版項, Publication, distribution, etc. area

    出版地、經銷地 出版者、經銷者 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年 製作地、製作者、製作年
    Place of publication, distribution, etc. Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc.
    Date of publication, distribution, etc. Place of manufacture, name of manufacturer, date of manufacture

  5. 稽核項, Physical description area

    數量(含特殊資料類型標示) 其他稽核細節 高廣深 附件
    Extent of item(including specific material designation)
    Other physical details Dimensions Accompanying material

  6. 集叢項, Series area

    Series statements
    集叢並列題名 集叢副題名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢
    Title proper of series
    Parallel titles of series
    Other title information of series
    Statements of responsibility relating to series
    ISSN of series
    Numbering within series

  7. 附註項, Note area

  8. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    標準號碼 識別題名
    獲得方式 裝訂及其他區別字樣
    Standard number Key-title
    Terms of availability Qualificatio

10. 立體資料

第十章 立體資料  Chapter 10 Three-Dimensional Artefacts and Realia

  1. 題名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    正題名 資料類型標示 並 列題名 副題名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述    
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

    Statement relating to a named revision of an edition Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition

  3. 出版項, Publication, distribution, etc. area

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年、經銷年 印製地、印製者、印製年
    Place of publication, distribution, etc. Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc.
    Date of publication, distribution, etc. Place of manufacture, name of manufacturer, date of manufacture

  4. 稽核項, Physical description area

    件數、張數或其他單位(包括資料特殊類型標示) 其他稽核細節 高廣深 附件
    Extent of item(including specific material designation) Other physical details Dimensions Accompanying material

  5. 集叢項, Series area

    Series statements
    集叢並列書名 集叢副書名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢
    Title proper of series
    Parallel titles of series
    Other title information of series
    Statements of responsibility relating to series
    ISSN of series
    Numbering within series

  6. 附註項, Note area

  7. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    獲得方式 裝訂及其他區別字樣
    International Standard Book Number(ISBN) Key-title
    Terms of availability Qualification

11. 微縮資料

第十二章 微縮資料  Chapter 11 Microforms

  1. 題名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    正題名 資料類型標示 並 列題名 副題名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述    
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

    Statement relating to a named revision of an edition Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition

  3. 資料特殊細節項 Numbering area

    連續性出版品之微縮資料, 無論其為原出版形式或據原件複製而成, 卷期編次均依3.3款著錄。

    Give the numbering of a serial microform or a serial reporduced in microform as instructed in 12.3.

    地圖微縮資料之製圖細節項, 依5.3款著錄。

    Give the mathematical data of a cartographic item in microform as instructed in 3.3.

    樂譜微縮資料之製圖細節項, 依6.3款著錄。

    Give the physical presentation of music in in microform as instructed in 5.3.

    電腦微縮資料之製圖細節項, 依13.3款著錄。

  4. 出版項, Publication, distribution, etc. area

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年、經銷年
    Place of publication, distribution, etc. Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc.
    Date of publication, distribution, etc.

  5. 稽核項, Physical description area

    捲數、張數或其他單位(包括資料特殊類型標示) 其他稽核細節 高廣 附件
    Extent of item(including specific material designation)
    Other physical details Dimensions Accompanying material

  6. 集叢項, Series area

    Series statements
    集叢並列題名 集叢副題名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢
    Title proper of series
    Parallel titles of series
    Other title information of series
    Statements of responsibility relating to series
    ISSN of series
    Numbering within series

  7. 附註項, Note area

  8. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    國際標準叢刊號碼 識別題名
    獲得方式 裝訂及其他區別字樣
    Standard number Key-title
    Terms of availability Qualification

12. 連續性出版品

第三章 連續性出版品  Chapter 12 Continuing Resources

  1. 題名及著者敘述項, Title and statement of responsibility area

    正題名 資料類型標示 並 列題名 副題名 著者敘述
    Title proper General material designation

    Parallel titles

    Other title information Statements of responsibility

  2. 版本項, Edition area

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述    
    Edition statement

    Statements of responsibility relating to the edition

    Statement relating to a named revision of an edition Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition

  3. 卷期項 Numbering area

    Numerical and/or alphabetic designation
    Chronological designation
  4. 出版項, Publication, distribution, etc. area

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年 印製地、印製者、印製年
    Place of publication, distribution, etc. Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc.
    Date of publication, distribution, etc. Place of manufacture, name of manufacturer, date of manufacture

  5. 稽核項, Physical description area

    幅數、冊數或其他單位(包括資料特殊類型標示) 其他稽核細節 高廣深 附件
    Extent of item(including specific material designation)
    Other physical details Dimensions Accompanying material

  6. 集叢項, Series area

    Series statements
    集叢並列題名 集叢副題名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢
    Title proper of series
    Parallel titles of series
    Other title information of series
    Statements of responsibility relating to series
    ISSN of series
    Numbering within series

  7. 附註項, Note area

  8. 標準號碼及其他必要記載項, Standard number and terms of availability area

    國際標準叢刊號碼 識別題名
    獲得方式 裝訂及其他區別字樣
    Standard number Key-title
    Terms of availability Qualification

13. 拓片

第十一章 拓片

  1. 題名及著者敘述項

    正題名 資料類型標示 副題名 著者敘述

  2. 版本項

    版本敘述 關 係版本之著者敘述

  3. 出版項

    出版地、經銷地等 出版者、經銷者等 出版者、經銷者職責敘述 出版年、經銷年 印製地、印製者、印製年

  4. 稽核項

    葉(幅、軸、冊、卷)數 其他稽核細節 高廣 附件

  5. 集叢項, Series area

    集叢並列書名 集叢副書名 集叢著者敘述 集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 集叢號 附屬集叢

  6. 附註項

追尋項、登錄號、索書號等資訊, 與書目本身無關, 純屬圖書館自訂的檢索項目, 不應視為書目記錄的一部份。


  1. 圖書館當局如何決定著錄層次?
  2. 圖書的第三著錄層次應包括那些項及細目?