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Periodical Articles
Communication of
American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group has
assembled this list of links to 160 scholarly open access electronic
journals in education.
All the original research articles in journals
published by BioMed Central are immediately and permanently available
online without charge or any other barriers to access. This commitment
is based on the view that open access to research is central to rapid
and efficient progress in science and that subscription-based access to
research is hindering rather than helping scientific communication.
Digital Dissertations (Proquest)
As a site visitor, you will be able to freely access the most current
two years of citations and abstracts in the Dissertation Abstracts
database. Retrieval often includes free 24 page PDF preview.
(Directory of Open Access Journals)
This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and
scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages. There
are 622 journals in the directory.
EdResearch Online
Produced by Australia's Cunningham Library, this database contains over
6 000 online articles from leading educational journals. Freely
searchable index; option for pay-per-view articles.
Journal Miner Electronic Journals from the Digital
Library/Archives, University Libraries of Virginia FindArticles
Press "Making of America" journals at Cornell University and the University of Michigan. Magatopia
MagPortal Networked
Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Online
Books Serials Page Penn Library, University of
Pennsylvania, Electronic Journals
More of a library catalog than simply a list of websites, this product
of the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries assigns Library of
Congress Subject Heading to its listings and provides comprehensive
annotations to each electronic journal in the catalog along with a link
to the journal's site. Note: Go to the
Journal Miner's page to retrieve more lists of electronic periodicals.
31 free journals including the ALAN Review, Journal of Design
Communication, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, Science,
Technology and Human Values.
A joint effort between LookSmart and the Gale Group Findarticles
contains over three million articles from over 700 publications. The
articles go back to 1998. Searching is simple keyword, and you have the
option to limit your search by category. Search results are listed by
relevance, with sponsored results at the top of the page and text ads
on the right of article pages.
Important: Be sure
to read the search
Place a + in front of mandatory words (example: +health +maintenance
+organizations)(7000 scholarly
periodicals that anyone may access online for FREE)
HighWire Press at Stanford
University develops and maintains the Web versions of important
journals in biomedicine and other disciplines. A list of journals with free
full-text articles online is available. 643,308 free full-text articles
as of 12/12/03
Internet Library of
Early Journals
ILEJ, the "Internet Library of Early Journals" was a joint project by
the Universities of Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Oxford, conducted
under the auspices of the eLib (Electronic
Libraries) Program. It aimed to
digitize substantial runs of 18th century
journals, and make these images available on the Internet, together
with their associated bibliographic data. The project finished in 1999,
and no additional material will be added. Six journals are available
for browsing or searching: Annual
Register, Blackwood's
Edinburgh Magazine, Gentleman's
Magazine, Notes and Queries,
Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society, The Builder.
Cornell provides access to a digital library of primary
sources in American social history from the antebellum period through
reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject
areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion,
and science and technology. This site provides access to 267 monograph
volumes and over 100,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints.
The journal collection at UMichigan currently contains approximately
50,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints.
Links to 1,000 online magazines with
very basic search mechanism.
A portal to 300 Canadian magazines
allows you to search through its database by keyword, subject author,
date or phrase. magOmania searches through recent tables of contents
online articles (and retrieves the full text). The site
offers "Ask An Expert" search help for magazine articles as well as
other features including "A Mania Minute" (a guide to hot topics).
Find individual articles from many free magazines by browsing the
categories or using the search engine.
This is a service built by harvesting metadata from Open
Archives of electronic theses and dissertations. Lists links to
university electronic theses and dissertations collections; some
resources are viewable, others are for parent institution use only.
This page lists freely accessible archives of serials (such as
magazines, journals, newspapers, and other periodicals).
Penn's database includes
links to both restricted and unrestricted access journal and articles;
it also offers several search alternatives.
Peter Jacso's PolySearch Engines
These PolySearch Engines allow you to run simple queries across several
open access ready reference databases or publishers� abstract archives
in one fell swoop. This is especially convenient for corroborating
information in different dictionaries, and encyclopedias, and for
comprehensive literature searches. Results are shown simultaneously
from the sites in adjacent panes. The original query brings to you each
selected target sites (instead of merging their results), so if you
want to broaden or narrow the search, you can refine the simple query
using truncation symbols, Boolean and proximity operators, field
limiters � whatever is allowed by the native search engine of each
Many engines are planned; the current offerings include:
Biographies PolySearch Engine
, General English Dictionaries
PolySearch Engine and Energy PolySearch Engine
Business Magazines
Primedia is a publisher of trade
as well as a provider of other business services. Its site
searchable access to selected content from approximately 100 of the
publications. The site also links to the publications -- the user
is only one click away from the magazine's own site.
Library of Science
PLoS is a non-profit organization of scientists and physicians
committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a
freely available public resource.
Research Society for American
The RSAP is an interdisciplinary organization of scholars interested in
American magazines and newspapers. An excellent resource for historical
material seekers.
<>Free Indexing Services
AGRICultural OnLine
Access is a bibliographic
database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the
National Agricultural Library and its cooperators. Production of these
records in electronic form began in 1970, but the database covers
materials in all formats, including printed works from the 15th
century. The records describe publications and resources encompassing
all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and
veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture
and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics,
extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and
environmental sciences. Although AGRICOLA does not contain the
materials, thousands of AGRICOLA records are linked to online full-text
documents, with new links being added every day.
AMS: the American Mathematical Society
8,600 articles in nine online journals including over 870 free articles.
Cambridge University Press Journals
Cambridge University Press allows searching of articles from its
electronic journals by journal title, author, author affiliation,
and/or keywords taken from the titles, abstracts and/or full-text.
Coverage: 1990-present.
CHID (Combined Health Information Database,
National Institutes of Health).
A free, searchable bibliographic database of health materials (no full
text, although a link may be provided to full text of indexed
government documents).
Provides access to ERIC Document citations from 1966 to the present as
well as ERIC Journal citations.
Search 15 million articles from 28,200 publications. No free full text;
this is a database to identify items. You may then locate the items in
libraries or purchase them, for a fee, online.
PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access
to over 12 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and
additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites
providing full text articles and other related resources.
National Criminal Justice Reference
Summaries of more
than 180,000 criminal justice publications including: Federal, State,
and local
government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, and
unpublished research. More than 7,000 full text documents available.
The National Technical Information Service is the federal government’s
leading delivery outlet for scientific and technical reports,
especially those produced under government contract. Some reports are
displayed free of charge while others require payment (or the user pay
present the bibliographic information to a library for possible
fulfillment). Searchers can access the NTIS database dating to 1990 at
no charge.
Provided by the NEC Research Institute. ResearchIndex is a scientific
literature digital library that aims to improve the dissemination and
feedback of scientific literature, and to provide improvements in
functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness,
efficiency, and timeliness.
Right-to-Know Network
RTK provides free access to numerous databases, text files, and
conferences on the environment. With the information available on RTK
NET, you can identify specific factories and their environmental
effects and assess people and communities affected.
Although it focuses on scientific information, Scirus may be used for
many searches in a variety of disciplines. If the user desires, a
Scirus search will find Web pages but, most importantly for a free Web
Library, it locates references to journal articles (and displays
abstracts when available) .
Eprints & Preprints
The Cross Archive Searching Service
Metasearches important preprint servers and then delivers the
information in a clear manner using user selected sorting.
CERN Document Server
Over 630,000 bibliographic records,
including 250,000 fulltext documents, of
interest to people working in particle physics and related areas.
Covers preprints, articles, books, journals, photographs, and much more.
This site allows free searching of chemistry journals as well as
reviewed chemistry web sites. Citations and abstracts are free, but
full-text is by subscription or "pay as you go.�
Clinmed Netprints
Launched by the British Medical Journal and HighWire Press, this site
provides a place for authors to archive their completed studies before,
during, or after peer review by other agencies. It covers original
research into clinical medicine and health.
The mission of the Directory of Preprint and e-Print Servers is to make available
to the mathematical community the current homepage URLs and email
contacts of all mathematical preprint and e-print servers throughout
the world.
e-Print Archive
ArXiv is an
e-print service in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear
science, computer science, and quantitative biology.
A freely accessible database of the full text of conference papers,
working papers and electronic literature which supports educational
research, policy and practice; originates in the United Kingdom.
A gateway to over 12,000 Web sites and databases worldwide, containing
e-prints in basic and applied sciences, primarily in physics but also
including subject areas such as chemistry, biology and life sciences,
materials science, nuclear sciences and engineering, energy research,
computer and information technologies, and other disciplines.
NCSTRL (Networked Computer Science
Technical Reference Library)
A worldwide, distributed digital library of computer science technical
reports from educational institutions.
e-Prints (scientific eprint repository search)
SLAC SPIRES-HEP (Stanford Public Information Retrieval System - High Energy Physics) Containing over 500,000 entries with full-text from various other sites, the scope of this website includes preprints, journal articles, theses, technical reports, and other documents.
Social Sciences Research Network
The SSRN eLibrary consists of two parts:
an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 60,500 scholarly
working papers and forthcoming papers and an Electronic Paper
Collection currently containing over 38,400 downloadable full text
documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. The eLibrary also includes the
research papers of a number of Fee Based Partner