ªLÄR®S ¯S¸u±Ð±Â Lih-Juan
ChanLin, Distinguished Professor ½Òµ{ ¤j¾Ç³¡¡G¹Ï®ÑÀ]¥@¬É±´¯Á¡B´CÅé·§½× ½×¤å ^¤å´Á¥Z (¦^¶º) Ø
Orey, M., Park, J., ChanLin,
L., Jih, H., Gillis, P. D., Legree, P. J., & Sanders, M. G. (1993). High bandwidth diagnosis within the
framework of a microcomputer-based intelligent tutoring system. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in
Education, 3(1), pp. 63-80. Ø
Reinking, D &
ChanLin, L. (1994). Graphics aids
in electronic text. Reading
Research and Instruction, 33 (3), 207-232. Ø
ChanLin, L. (1996).
Enhancing computer graphics through metaphorical elaboration. Journal of Instructional Psychology,
23(3), 196-203. Ø
ChanLin, L. (1997). The effects of verbal elaboration and
visual elaboration on student learning, International Journal of
Instructional media, 24(4), 333-339. Ø
ChanLin, L. (1998). Animation to teach students of
different knowledge levels, Journal of Instructional Psychology 25(3),
166-175. Ø
ChanLin, L. (1998). Students' cognitive styles and the
need for visual control in animation.
Journal of Educational Computing Research, 19(4), 351-363. (SSCI
Journal) Ø
ChanLin, L. (1999). Visual treatment for different prior
knowledge. International Journal
of Instructional Media, 26(2), 213-219. Ø
ChanLin, L. (1999). Gender differences and the need for
visual control. International
Journal of Instructional Media, 26(3), 329-334. |