第四篇: 建立網站

Google 指南 : 檢索更輕鬆

毛慶禎 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系副教授

Most of the information in this section is based on my experience in designing and developing Google Guide, which is now the top result for the queries [ Google tutorial ], [ Google guide ], [ Google ~guide ], [ Google stock symbol ], and [ Google favorite features ].

There are thousands of sites devoted to developing a website and optimizing its performance. So should you need or want more detailed information, just search for it. But be careful: there are sites that charge good money for bad information.


When putting together content for this page, I came across wonderful pages on creating content for websites. So, rather than writing yet another, here are links to two of my favorites.

If you know or run across any other great sites on creating content for your website, please let me know.


This problem set gives you practice in developing a page for your website. For hints and answers to selected problems, see the Solutions page in the Appendix.
  1. 把失聯多年的朋友資料建成網頁, 請求他們或認識他們的人與你連繫。

    當這些朋友上網找有關自己的資訊時, 他們會找到這個網頁, 進而與你連繫。

    Bill Chewsick 在第30屆 Asilomar 微電腦工作坊提出這個點子, 找尋無法從 Gooogle 得知的朋友資訊。


使用 HTML 語法, it's relatively easy to make links to Google's search results. Following each link in the examples below is the code that produces it.

Google tutorial create link ]

[ <a class="results" href="http://www.google.com/search?q=Google+tutorial+create+link">Google tutorial create link</a> ]

另開新視窗, The following code creates a link that will open up a new window that contains the search results for the query [ Google tutorial create link ].

[ <a target="_blank" class="results" href="http://www.google.com/search?q=Google+tutorial+create+link">Google tutorial create link</a> ]

建立搜尋區, Provide a search box and search results to your visitors like the following

Google search box with [ define blog ].  
The search box was generated by using a service that's called Google Free.
<!-- Search Google -->
<FORM method=GET action="http://www.google.com/search">
<TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td>
<A HREF="http://www.google.com/">
<IMG SRC="http://www.google.com/logos/Logo_40wht.gif"
border="0" ALT="Google search box with [ define blog ]." align="absmiddle"></A>
<INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=25 maxlength=255 value="Google ~Guide">
<INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE="Google Search">
<!-- Search Google -->

Learn more about Google Free at www.google.com/searchcode.html.


These problems are intended to give you practice in creating links to Google's search results. For hints and answers to selected problems, see the Solutions page in the Appendix.
  1. 在你的網頁裡, 建立連結至 Google 的蒐尋結果。

  2. 在你的網頁裡, 以開啟新視窗的方式, 建立連結至 Google 的蒐尋結果。

  3. 在你的網頁裡, 建立 Google 的搜尋區。


新的網頁大約在一個月左右, 就會被 Googlebot 爬梳其內容。在 Google 的作業模式裡, 說明過 Google 兩種爬梳網頁的方法: 更新爬梳及深層爬梳。Google 認為最重要的網頁, 先進行更新爬梳; 深層爬梳後的網頁。
and deep crawls. Your site most likely will first get a fresh crawl in which only pages Google deems most important are crawled. After Google runs a deep crawl of your site, most, if not all of the pages on your website that contain links from other pages will be crawled and subsequently listed on Google, except pages that are included in the file robots.txt, which contains pages that you don't want Google to crawl and pages that contain code that Google is unable to parse.

可以從這個網頁主動登錄你的網站, www.google.com/addurl.html

Screen shot of web page for adding a URL to Google.

For more about how to get your site listed on Google, visit www.google.com/webmasters/1.html.

How do you remove websites, individual pages, cached pages, and outdated or dead links from Google's index? Visit www.google.com/remove.html.

The best way to get your products listed on Froogle is to submit a datafeed with your products. Among the sites that simplify the process of setting up a data feed is www.siteall.com/froogle.


Include useful high-quality information on your site and then publicize your website. Getting others' websites to link to yours usually helps your PageRank and ranking on Google. But if Google suspects that you've traded links with other sites for the sole purpose of improving your ranking, it might penalize or blacklist your site.
參考相關的網站, Google AdvisorBuzzle.com, 提供改進網頁級別的做法。

PageRank Value Report 取得特定網頁的級別。

從 Google 的工具列裡的網頁級別量尺, 可以看到特定網頁的級別, 綠色愈多, 級別愈高。

See a measure of the PageRank of a site using Google's Toolbar PageRank meter.

從 Google 網頁目錄左邊的綠色區塊, 可以比較兩個網頁的級別。

Screen shot showing what you see when you click on a category link in Google's Directory

When I first made this site publicly available, Google Guide wasn't in the first 100 sites on searches for [ Google guide ]. Thanks to the sites that linked to Google Guide and users who clicked on Google Guide in their search results, Google Guide is the top result for the queries [ Google tutorial ], [ Google guide ], [ Google ~guide ], [ Google stock symbol ], and [ Google favorite features ]. Being listed so highly on Google has improved the traffic flow to this site.

Since I'm a fan of Brompton's lightweight folding bicycles and wish to improve the PageRank of www.foldabikes.com, I'm including a link to my local Brompton authorized dealer's website.

In the next section, Advertising Your Website, I'll tell you how I increase traffic through running inexpensive ads.


To generate traffic, I first told my friends and colleagues about Google Guide. Then I told people in the press and the search-engine field about it. When Google Guide was mentioned in an article or website, traffic would increase. To increase traffic to Google Guide and to learn what it's like to be a Google advertiser, I became an AdWords advertiser.

I created my own ads, choose queries and keywords my ads should match, and specified the maximum I was willing to spend on an advertising campaign. Google charges me only when someone clicks on one of my ads.

I increased the effectiveness of my advertising by following wonderful suggestions from Perry Marshall's free 5-day course and from his Definitive Guide to Google AdWords, which you can learn about at www.perrymarshall.com/google/. I tested lots of ads targeted on many different queries and keywords until I found ones that got favorable responses from users, i.e., the ads that users clicked on. And Google has rewarded me by overrunning my ads, i.e., showing some of them from time to time at no cost to me.


"Google AdSense is for web publishers who want to make more revenue from advertising on their site while maintaining editorial quality. AdSense delivers Google ads that are relevant to what your readers see on your pages — and Google pays you." —www.google.com/adsense/

At first I was reluctant to run ads on Google Guide. I didn't want to create any distractions that would lure visitors away from my site. But visitors leave even if I don't run ads. So at first I ran ads at the bottom of a page because I thought they would only distract viewers that weren't interested in my site. Few users clicked on the ads. Later I moved the ads to the top of a page. The response rate more than doubled and so did revenue. Now I use some of the money generated through AdSense to buy AdWords ads that increase the traffic to Google Guide. This increased traffic, in turn, increases the revenue I receive from customers and AdSense ads.